Sunday 21 June 2009

David Mitchell responds to the Daily Mail’s ‘Not in my front yard’ anti-wheelie bin campaign

David Mitchell responds to the Daily Mail’s ‘Not in my front yard’ anti-wheelie bin campaign

Councils issue wheelie bins to make collection and recycling more efficient and effective. They're better than normal bins - they've got wheels and can be emptied mechanically. Because they're bigger, they can be collected fortnightly. Because collections can be fortnightly, recycling collections can be slotted in without doubling the refuse budget. I'm sure the NIMFYs would hate me for saying this, which is why I'm doing it, but it's good, simple, common sense. The bins might not look lovely, but there are more important considerations in play here. […]

Explaining why mid-terrace residents had no option but to keep the unsightly wheelie bins in front of their houses, a Chester resident said: "Otherwise they would have to walk three bins all the way down the street, round the corner and into the backyard. Imagine doing that with three bins? It's just crazy."

I can almost hear the Oxfam advert: "This is Andrea. Every week, she has to walk three bins all the way down the street, round the corner and into the backyard. It's either that or people will see her bins. It's crazy, but you can help."


  1. I love wheelie bins. Does that make me a right-wing, Green-hating, small-house-owner hating, snob?

    I hope not - because I'm Green, left, own a tiny place and am ordinary class.

    I like them because I hate putting out the rubbish in the morning. And they're big and have wheels.

    Am I wrong? Do I need refuse therapy, Kit? The angst is mounting.

  2. Not at all - quite the opposite. Mitchell was responding to the Mail's anti-wheelie bin campaign. (I think that I may have edited Mitchell too much and made it a bit less clear than it ought to have been).

    Sorry about the late response - I hope the angst didn't get too much. I was in India with a hectic schedule.
